
2013 YALL

As 2012 comes to an end, in literally hours, I am left deciding what my Facebook status should say. Everyone puts up a list of everything they did/didn't accomplish in attempts to compete with each other.  While I find this annoying and borderline pathetic, I thought I would take the time to do my list on here, as to seem more of a douchebag. So here is a bunch of shit I did in 2012 that is worth typing about.

Getting to assist a stylist on a shoot for paper magazine as really cool, it was the first time I'd had a look into the world of styling. Then soon after that I was able to style another shoot for some test shots where I had the styling direction, which was very new and fun.

Also all of the new books, movies, and T.V I have discovered. Running With Scissors, Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, Occupy Nation, The Tents, Bill Cunningham New York, Visual Acoustics, Argo, Weeds, Lip Service,  Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Arrested Development, Portlandia, The Office, Three Rivers, and the thousand other T.V shows, movies, and books I read and watched.

The Tegan and Sara concert at the Bowery Ballroom in downtown manhattan was also amazing. Admittedly, I have been obsessed an avid listener for many years now, but never been able to see them live. Since the Bowery is a small venue the event was super intimate and the sound was great.

Moving to New York City has been the most transformative and life altering (biggest cliche term ever) experience. While i had decided I would move to New York a few years ago, everything coming to fruition this year made my life amazing. in fact, my new phrase is "My life is better in New York." Sadly I do say this all the time.

While thinking about this post it seemed it would be more comprehensive and impressive, but as of now it seems to be all I can conjure.  But now I will celebrate the New Year while watching Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin and eating ice cream. Happy New Year Yall.