
Neighborhood Stroll

So today I had no plans and went on a walk around my "neighborhood." I use quotes around neighborhood because in New York do we even technically have them?? Regardless, I had nothing to do because I finished watching The Office and had no idea what to do with my life. Neflix is the social devil, but anyway this is what I saw!

 A beautiful church I saw along the way.

 I love how even though I am in NY there are still amazing tree lined streets.

 One of the best places I found was a british candy shop that only sold candy from across the pond!

Then I arrived back home to find a giant package of cookies from my dad! I used my new camera to take all of these pictures, and I am very happy with them. Have a nice rest of the weekend!

Proenza Paralysis

As per usual I died for the Proenza show. They are by far my favorite NY design house year after year. I go ape shit crazy for their shapes, and use of different materials, and this year was no different. So here is the video of their latest SS13 show, and let me know if it left you crying with it's dazzling array of amazingness!!!

Im going to get some coffee, and explore some more of New York City. See yah later. 



So today I went down to Lincoln Center to check out fashion week. Basically it was a sea of bloggers and I was proud to be one of them. I've actually never been to a fashion week event before and it was one of the happiest moments I have ever had. Seriously, just to among fashion people was so exciting for me. These are a few of the street style shots that I took today right before the DVF show.

Hopefully I will be receiving my new camera this week so I can et some better quality images. Let me know what you think!!!